Monday 7 September 2009

The Success Formula For Information Marketing

If you are going to build a successful information marketing business, you are going to go through several phases. You are going to try lots of different methods to get leads and convert them, to create information products, communicate, advertise, promote and maintain good customer relations.

I think it's important for me to mention here that I have already felt your pain. I have been through the struggles you are going to face as you start an online business. I wasn't successful overnight-not by a long shot.

I can't emphasize enough that, when I started out, it was just me sitting in my bedroom. I lived in trailer then. Seriously, it was just a little trailer, maybe 500 square feet of living space. I can remember that when I moved into that trailer, it was hard for me to come up with the rent for the pad it was on. I think it was $135 a month, and the first couple of months I had a hard time swinging it.

But I had my little desk right next to my bed, and I had a computer. I had never built a web page. I didn't even know what pay-per-click advertising was. A friend of mine showed it to me.

At that point, I had never written a book. I had never published an information product of any kind. I had never done any of this stuff. What's more, I didn't have access to any of the amazing free and low-cost tools that are available right now to build your information marketing business. Nobody showed me how to find niches that work or how to publish my information products.

What I'm trying to communicate is that I understand what it's like to be at the beginning and not have all this success around me. So when I give you a blueprint for success in information marketing, it is based on hard-earned experience. I don't take it lightly, and neither should you.

So here's the basic outline. My "money making" formula is based upon what I like to call the Three Pillars.

Customers + Content + Conversion = Info Marketing Success

Number one is the Customer pillar, which is everything you do to get leads, to drive traffic, to get people to come to you web site and opt-in and do things like that.

Number two is your Content pillar, which is comprised of your information products and services, the things that you actually sell to people, the things that carry your information to your customers.

Number three is your Conversion pillar, which is everything that you do to get the visitors that come to your web site to then convert and buy things. This pillar includes things like your e-mail newsletters, your sales letters, and so forth.

Any success you achieve in information marketing must include all three pillars. You can't leave one out, and there are no shortcuts. Just like a stool with only two legs cannot stand, neither can an information marketing business succeed without solid customers, content and conversion.

Neil Asher has built five multi-million dollar companies from zero, including one he took to $8 million in sales in under two years. He has created and sold successful franchises in England, Italy, Ireland, Australia and South Africa. Visit his web site for access to 17 FREE videos, 6 FREE books and two hours of audio training, revealing "How To Make BIG Money Selling Information Products On The Internet...Even If You Don't Have A Website And You've Never Sold Anything On The Internet Before."

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